Wira is a Teacher
Kamis, 03 Mei 2012
since 10/10/10 i`ve dating with my lovely girlfriend, her name is PSW. we were a Long Distance Relationship. actually it`s so hard to do it. but i knew that love not be measure by the distance. in the begining we were very happy because many thing we can do for a same time and we enjoyed it.
I love her very much althoug she was in makassar and I was in jakarta, we just had a prayer time at 21.30 WIB. through this time we enjoyed our relation. God so good to us. He provided strength and kept us from the trouble during the relation way.
on February 2012 we got a big trouble and we always fight by word from the phone. I made a big ministaken to her by the rugged word. we always fight every night on the phone and the peak of problem happen on 29 April 2012. when i say a very fool word to her and i realized that`s wrong. She hate me so bad and she never forgiven me. i`m really concrite for my done. Now I just Pray to God for my bad attitude who make our Relation end. but i still love her very much and i had been hope to be back and continue our relation and i confess if we are back it`s by God Grace alone.
GOD HEAL OUR RELATION. To You I Surrender all and promise to you i never make her sad anymore. and i`ll changed my attitude who make you sad. GOD give Me strenght to passed away this hard time.
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
God Created Love
one time ago I heard a hopeless sound from a pupil. Love is wasted time and love always make us ill fell with others. A women/man will say that love always make us felt difficul even less we didn`t want lost the lovly person in our live E.x: COUPLE. we didn`t aware in that time that the wrong subject is not a love but we are. therefore we must know from the bible God teach us to honer and enjoy the love. not to hate love because God is Love.
Nowdays the Younger value the love from sex perspective, that the wrong path which make the love broke. Man saw the women and women heard the man and lust work in each other. when it`s happen and there wasn`t a marrietal status Bible said it was sin. don`t begin the relation if you won`t married with your couple.
My friend have told me, i can`t so strong to keep my love to her, she loved me and i loved her so we make a decicion to have a sex as a sign of love in us. I give him smile and said you fall in your feeling not for God will. many of us controlled by our fell because we kept away from God.
How to get a true love with our couple? (from My perspective)
1. Keep pray to God and allow God to work in your time
2. Take a precise time to decide bagin the relation.
3. Say that you love him/her and your.
4. Relation only one time and forever.
5. The relation is grace from God, so through your relation God will be reflected.
6. Meditate God will through love.
Before you decide to begin a relation keep pray and think very seriously, because it`s not a easy thing. Honor the love and you will see how wonderful love it is.
Nowdays the Younger value the love from sex perspective, that the wrong path which make the love broke. Man saw the women and women heard the man and lust work in each other. when it`s happen and there wasn`t a marrietal status Bible said it was sin. don`t begin the relation if you won`t married with your couple.
My friend have told me, i can`t so strong to keep my love to her, she loved me and i loved her so we make a decicion to have a sex as a sign of love in us. I give him smile and said you fall in your feeling not for God will. many of us controlled by our fell because we kept away from God.
How to get a true love with our couple? (from My perspective)
1. Keep pray to God and allow God to work in your time
2. Take a precise time to decide bagin the relation.
3. Say that you love him/her and your.
4. Relation only one time and forever.
5. The relation is grace from God, so through your relation God will be reflected.
6. Meditate God will through love.
Before you decide to begin a relation keep pray and think very seriously, because it`s not a easy thing. Honor the love and you will see how wonderful love it is.
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Christian leadership
be a good leader isn`t easy .. many research claim that 47% of leadership coming made by HARDSHIP. so in case if you wanna be a good leader doesn`t matter if you facing tha difficulties of problem. From that you will get a good charcter of leadership. Many definition concern leadership such as, Servant, integrity, loyalty, wise and many thing more. Leader always listen dan recpect to conditon and his subordination. now a days many leader misunderstood about good leader, much of them though that a leader like an authoritative, but it doesn`t true.
from christian perspective Leadership must be begun from faith, and always have a vision who come from Jesus. Remembar leader doesn`t exploitation but always love and developt people.
five Foundamental of leader (Brian Cox)
1. Challege the process
2. Inspire a shared vision
3. Encourage the heart
4. Enable others to act
5. Model the way
Good leader combine faith and action, passionately make a significant different, want to transform Look opportunities
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
Don`t look back
Today i is new day ..
for along day, actually i have Realized that the 'OLD' story on my face..
My old girl Friend on the facebook add for me as a friend but i didn`t know her again..
in this day when i`ve a time to opened my facebook, i looked at her in waiting list just only as not a special person, damn it, i annoyed her but i don`t have a reason to annoyed her.
i`m confused to defenite that ], but i hope some day i will accept her as a friend. God has told me to forgive the other because i had done for me.
I though this a funny story, when i Looked her, there was a different feeling in my heart more of that when i see she has a new 'person'..wooowwww unbelieveable to see that, i felt that time not for along time i passed away, but that the fact. i must recived that just a dream, opened new life, don`t look back, hunt your dream to be succesful person, she just a history, learnt from it.
for along day, actually i have Realized that the 'OLD' story on my face..
My old girl Friend on the facebook add for me as a friend but i didn`t know her again..
in this day when i`ve a time to opened my facebook, i looked at her in waiting list just only as not a special person, damn it, i annoyed her but i don`t have a reason to annoyed her.
i`m confused to defenite that ], but i hope some day i will accept her as a friend. God has told me to forgive the other because i had done for me.
I though this a funny story, when i Looked her, there was a different feeling in my heart more of that when i see she has a new 'person'..wooowwww unbelieveable to see that, i felt that time not for along time i passed away, but that the fact. i must recived that just a dream, opened new life, don`t look back, hunt your dream to be succesful person, she just a history, learnt from it.
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
Arti integritas bagi seorang guru
Menjadi seorang guru bukanlah merupakan suatu hal yang dipandang sangat mudah. Hal ini enak dirasakan saat kita mengalami kisah-kisah yang paling indah dalam mengajar dan ketika kita mendapatkan jalan keluar dalam suatu kekusutan mengajar dan itu merupakan sesuatu pasti kita harapkan tentunya.
Tapi masalahnya jika anda ingin menjadi seorang guru yang betul-betul memiliki integritas, kita harus masuk dalam kekusutan-kekusutan mengajar tersebut bukan menghindarinya dan berusaha untuk lebih mendalaminya sehingga kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan lebih baik, selain itu juga kita akan betul-betul menyadari bahwa murid yang kita ajar sangat membutuhkan peran kita untuk kebutuhan mereka akan ilmu pengetahuan.
Dalam pengajaran hal yang sering kita hadapi yang membuat kita merasa kehilangan integritas yaitu saat kita diperhadapkan dengan mata pelajaran yang sama luasnya dengan kehidupan kita, dan juga kita diperhadapkan dengan siswa kita yang mungkin membuat kita menjadi bingung dan terjebak dalam pengajaran di dalam kelas. Sering para guru tidak menyadari hal ini, mereka berasumsi bahwa hal ini merupakan hal yang tidak menjadi masalah padahal inilah sebenarnya merupakan masalah yang besar jika mereka tidak memiliki integritas dalam mengajar, jadi pada intinya integritas itu sangat penting dalam pengajaran kita.
Kita harus selalu mengajarkan apa yang kita miliki secara pribadi sehingga kita dapat memproyeksikan kehidupan kita pada murid-murid, sehingga apa yang baik atau buruk yang diajarkan kepada murid-murid, itulah cerminan dari kita. Jika kita memberikan pengajaran menganai cara hidup yang baik maka siswa kita pun akan mengikutinya begitupun sebaliknya. Jadi disini kita harus menunjukkan integritas kita sebagai seorang guru kristen yang berdasarkan Alkitab. Integritas itu ialah segala sesuatu yang baik sesuai dangan pikiran, perbuatan dan kelakuan kita berdasarkan Alkitab.Jadi jika kita tidak memiliki integritas terhadap siswa kita maka pasti kita tidak memiliki integritas yang baik di dalam kelas. Jadi ini sama halnya jika kita tidak mengenal siswa kita maka kita juga tidak dapat mengenal siapa diri kita karena siswa kita merupakan cerminan dari diri kita.
Sekarang kita melangakah pada integritas seorang guru kristen. Setiap guru kristen seharusnya memiliki integritas yang baik di dalam kelas terhadap siswanya dalam mengajar, integritas tersebut dapat kita lihat daricara pengajarannya dan teknik-teknik yang mereka kuasai dalam penanganan kelas. Setiap guru kristen memang penting memiliki integrtas kareana hal ini yang merupakan perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh guru-guru lain karena dalam pengajarannya guru kristen memiliki ciri khas tersendiri dalam mengajar khusunya mengajar sesuai dengan perintah yang telah diajarkan oleh Tuhan Yesus “...Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa mirid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus dan ajrlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman.”(Mat 28:19-20). Ini meruapakan perintah yang harus kita lakukan, dan ini akan membuat kita memiliki integritas sebagai guru kristen.
Faktor pendukung dalam terbentuknya integritas seorang guru di dalam kelas intelektual, emosional dan spiritual. Intelektual berarti bagaimana kita mengenal sifat para siswa dan mata pelajaran yang kita ajarkan , emosional berarti bagaimana perasaan kita dengan siswa saat belajar dan mengajar, spiritual berarti bagaimana kita menjawab kerinduan hati untuk menghidupkan kasih dan mengajar sesuai dengan prinsip hidup yang telah diajarkan oleh Yesus Kristus.
Arti dari integritas guru kristen selain yang dijelaskan di atas ialah kita sebagai guru kristen harus bisa membangun hubungan baik dengan siswa kita, dan menjalin struktur yang mempersatukan antara siswa dan mata pelajaran. Sebenarnya yang terpenting dari integritas ialah memiliki keutuhan dalam mengajar sesuai dengan perintah Tuhan Yesus serta dan mengajar dengan segenap hati serta kemurahan hati untuk memberikan diri dalam menolong setiap murid kita.
Jadi kesimpulannya integritas dan kepribadian seorang guru kristen harus berdasarkan pengajaran Tuhan Yesus karena ini sangat membantu dalam keberhasilan siswa yang kita ajar dan yang membedakan dangan guru-guru lainnya.
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